![]() PO Box 295 Lake Forest, CA 92609 ![]() Endorsed by:
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![]() ![]() Thank you for all you have done in this cause! Having fought so hard to deliver a “Wake Up Call” to our fellow Americans, we owed it to supporters like you to push this campaign to the limit, and aggressively carry our immigration reform message into every neighborhood in our district, and across the nation. We received an excellent result, and look forward to the next contest – but like all challenger campaigns, we were vastly outspent. Make no mistake: I do not regret giving this battle all I had, and I know you will help me retire the remaining expenses we must pay. It was an uphill campaign all the way – but remember, we are fighting for more than a seat in Congress. ![]() Townhall.com ![]() It must have been close to midnight when we saw the fight breaking out in the crowded parking lot. Scott and I were hurrying to get back into my 1970 GTO, so we could speed home and beat the twelve o’clock curfew. Although it was July, it was a school night for me. I was in summer school for flunking English again. The year was 1982. Bubba wasn’t your typical Bubba from Texas. He was a surfer and all the girls said he was a good-looking fellow. He must have been. Every one of his girlfriends was a knockout. ![]() Associated Press
Posted December 17, 2005
The Minuteman Project started earlier this year amid fears that racist extremists would confront and possibly injure illegal immigrants crossing into Arizona. But there were no significant confrontations — no fights, and rarely any excitement — when hundreds of people traveled to the Arizona desert during April to watch for border crossers and report them to immigration agents. ![]() ![]() On Wednesday, Jim Gilchrist spoke to Lou Dobbs about the election results and his future plans. Transcript, Dec. 7, 2005 LOU DOBBS, HOST: Our next guest made this nation's border crisis a critical issue in a special Congressional election held in California yesterday. Jim Gilchrist is the co-founder of the Minuteman Project. He ran as an independent. His campaign surpassed all expectations and earned Gilchrist a solid third place finish, 25 percent of the vote. Republican state senator John Campbell spending a lot more money with a lot better name recognition, and of course with the support and a solid Republican district, well, he won the runoff but he won only 45 percent of the vote. ![]() Investor's Business Daily
![]() Illegal Immigration: When a one-issue activist from a fringe party holds the Republican candidate to under 45% in GOP territory, it's time to take notice. If you're looking for the Orange County of pop culture and political lore, you'll find it in California's 48th Congressional District. This is the quintessential O.C., from storied beaches to rock-ribbed Republicanism. Outside the college enclave of U.C. Irvine, this is turf where the GOP reigns and its candidates usually win in a walk. ![]() Knight Ridder Newspapers By Steven Thomma
![]() WASHINGTON — Jim Gilchrist lost his bid for Congress this week. But as the founder of the "Minutemen" border patrol, he won a bigger personal victory by sending a signal that immigration will be a major divisive issue in next year's congressional elections. A growing chorus of Republicans like Gilchrist wants to throw illegal immigrants out of the country and seal the border behind them. They're being urged on by talk radio and conservative activists with the same fervor that led the government to intervene last spring in the case of Terri Schiavo, a brain-damaged Florida woman. ![]() Jim Gilchrist and Tom Tancredo discuss the election
Interview on the John & Ken Show, KFI AM 640
![]() Listen to Wednesday's interview with Jim Gilchrist and Tom Tancredo on KFI's the John & Ken Show. MP3: http://www.jimgilchrist.com/audio/ jim_gilchrist_2005_12_07kfi.mp3 (5.72 MB) Jim Gilchrist
Posted December 7, 2005
Jim Gilchrist: I want to start by saying that I am so proud to be working with each and every one of you who shares the vision, which was my hero Ronald Reagan’s vision, of a secure and sovereign America, and I want to thank all of you for supporting my first – but only my first – political campaign. Please accept my humble gratitude, and my congratulations, for a job extraordinarily well done. I want to thank my beloved wife Sandy, who will love me in the morning – win, lose or draw in this contest! I want to thank all my outstanding colleagues and supporters, including Minuteman co-founder Chris Simcox, and all the countless Minutemen and women and campaign volunteers, for getting us so unbelievably far with our message. Tonight is a VICTORY – and it is only the beginning. ![]() Jim Gilchrist outdoes rivals on election day!
Posted December 7, 2005
Minuteman Jim Gilchrist Endorsed, Lauded on KFI
![]() Today is the day! Polling shows Jim Gilchrist is in striking distance of stunning victory! Border Patrol police union, GOP reform leaders, and even Democrat activists are breaking for Jim – many undecided voters listening to Gilchrist for Congress ads today and calling Gilchrist headquarters to express support and find their polling places! The situation in CA is very volatile, and YOU can STILL make the difference for victory! ALL THE MOMENTUM IS WITH GILCHRIST FOR CONGRESS – AND THE POLLS ARE OPEN UNTIL 8:00PM! Your VOTE, and your donation for more radio ads in drive time RIGHT NOW CAN help make history! The hugely popular John and Ken Radio Show last night ON AIR ENDORSED JIM GILCHRIST FOR CONGRESS – AND HAD A LIVE INTERVIEW ON THE BORDER PATROL RANK-AND-FILE ENDORSEMENT OF JIM WITH THE PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL, the union representing more than 10,000 frontline agents and employees of our country’s U.S. Border Patrol. Jim Gilchrist then debated on air – and SHELLACKED – the Democrat candidate in this race, who he took on because his main opponent, John Campbell, reneged on his promise to appear and debate Jim! JIM GILCHRIST CAN WIN – BUT HE NEEDS YOUR HELP TODAY, WITHOUT FAIL! Click here to help Jim pay for his crucial Election-Day campaign ads! Listen to Monday's John & Ken Show (KFI), recorded at the Aryes Hotel in Laguna Woods. MP3:
The Globe and Mail ![]() NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. -- When Alison Sweeney spotted Jim Gilchrist campaigning at the Corona del Mar Christmas fair yesterday, she and her husband rushed over to get their picture taken with the man who would seal the U.S.-Mexico border to keep illegal immigrants out. "Once they're here, it's irreversible," complains Ms. Sweeney, a blonde 32-year-old business manager, who says illegal immigrants from Mexico and elsewhere are forcing down wages and stealing jobs from Americans. ![]() Former candidate for California State Assembly, District 67
![]() Bill Orton My name is Bill Orton. I recently was the Democratic party nominee for a state legislative seat in Orange County. Among other things, I took a lot of guff from my own party activists over my view that anyone wishing to drive in the state ought to show live-and-work evidence, like I had to do when I lived overseas (in Scandinavia) and drove on their roadway. As a Democrat, activist, and person who always votes, I may not agree with every view that Jim Gilchrist has on the immigration policy -- or other views. But there's one thing for sure: He is consistent. He isn't squishy, not a bit, on our nation's immigration policies. ![]() Press Release NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL PRESIDENT, T.J. BONNER, ENDORSES MINUTEMAN JIM GILCHRIST FOR CONGRESS
![]() Lake Forest, CA — T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, will publicly announce and discuss his organization’s endorsement of Minuteman Project founder Jim Gilchrist for Congress in California’s 48th Congressional district Monday, December 5, at 3:30 pm at the Ayres Hotel in Laguna Woods, California. The announcement will be made in conjunction with a live remote broadcast of the John and Ken Show on KFI 640 Radio. The Ayres Hotel is located at 24341 El Toro Road in Laguna Woods just south of the Interstate 5 freeway. Bonner, whose union membership represents over 10,000 front-line Border Patrol agents and employees said of Gilchrist in a written endorsement statement issued Friday that the Council supports Gilchrist because the candidate has “demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ending the illegal immigration crisis,” that he “understands the importance of a multi-faceted immigration enforcement strategy,” and that he is a “strong supporter of the men and women who protect our borders and enforce our immigration laws.” ![]() ![]() Tuesday's special election to fill Rep. Christopher Cox's seat might have been a bland affair with the Republican primary winner preordained — year after year, congressional elections in coastal Orange County usually are. This year, the politics of immigration have changed that. Jim Gilchrist, cofounder of the border security group called the Minuteman Project and candidate of the American Independent Party, has run an energetic and increasingly wellfunded campaign against state Sen. John Campbell (R-Irvine). He has forced the lawmaker to renounce votes allowing illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at state universities and to use Mexican identification cards for official purposes. And he has turned the race into a virtual referendum on immigration policy. ![]() ![]() Lake Forest, CA — Minuteman Project founder and 48th Congressional District candidate Jim Gilchrist – who this weekend garnered the endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents 10,000 front-line U.S. Border Patrol agents and employees – today criticized opponent John Campbell for “backsliding” on his support of the California Border Police Initiative. Campbell in a recent media interview confirmed his discomfort and lack of commitment towards the Initiative he supposedly co-sponsors. Campbell has “sold out all of the people who have donated money and who have ‘given their blood, sweat and tears’ to get this critical Initiative on the ballot,” stated Gilchrist. ![]() 10,000-member U.S. Border Patrol employees union
![]() ![]() In a letter to Gilchrist, dated December 2, T.J. Bonner, President of the National Border Patrol Council stated, "On behalf of more than 10,000 front-line Border Patrol employees, the National Border Patrol Council proudly endorses your candidacy for the 48th Congressional District of California. You have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ending the illegal immigration crisis that threatens the security, as well as the sovereignty, of our Nation." ![]() Press Release ![]() Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman Lake Forest, CA — Minuteman Project founder and 48th Congressional District candidate Jim Gilchrist said today that Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman’s recent speech warning against the rise of “anti-immigrant sentiment” in the United States was duplicitous and purposely designed to impugn the motives of millions of patriotic Americans who are working to stop illegal immigration and secure America’s borders. “Chairman Mehlman’s recent remarks to the Republican Governor’s Association claimed that those who are on the front lines opposing illegal immigration and demanding American border security, such as Congressman Tom Tancredo and citizen Minutemen, are on the ‘wrong side of history’ because, supposedly, they are motivated by some sort of racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant mentality,” Gilchrist said. ![]() Press Release ![]() Lake Forest, CA — Minuteman Project founder and 48th District Congressional candidate Jim Gilchrist today ridiculed John Campbell’s attempt to portray himself — in his mailings and campaign commercials — as being “tough on illegal immigration.” “John Campbell’s claims that he is ‘tough’ on illegal immigration are laughable to anyone who knows his true record,” noted Gilchrist. “But because he has so much money to spend on his campaign, he clearly hopes that he can ‘fool all of the people, some of the time.’ The ‘some of the time,’ as far as John Campbell is concerned, is the period between now and the election this Tuesday, December 6.” ![]() Hear Jim's latest radio ad
![]() Click here to listen (2.3 MB): http://www.jimgilchrist.com/ To help Jim buy ad time, click here: https://secure.responseenterprises.com/ Radio Interviews
Posted November 30, 2005
November 30, 2005 Wednesday 7:00 PM Pacific Time Program Name: The Herb Steck Show Station or Network: AM 920 WGNU http://www.jimgilchrist.com/audio/ jim_gilchrist_2005_11_30wgnu.mp3 (5.67 MB) December 2, 2005 Friday 12:00 AM Pacific Time Program Name: Red Eye Radio w/ Kevin James Station: AM 790 KABC http://www.jimgilchrist.com/ End of Page 1
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